Jim Farley, Global Group VP of Ford Motor Co, gave a great talk last week on automotive marketing.
Watch a brief highlight here. It will only take 3 minutes.
What Jim says, and also in this article, is important not only for automotive but for most other industries.
To sum up Jim's key points, and the impact that digital is having on marketing overall, are these three key points:
1. Campaign Timing Changes: Instead of focusing all elements at launch, digital and always-on platforms allow marketers 'flatten out' the campaign curve both before and after launch. Much more can be used on digital to get customers interested in the story and experience, and thus on the shopping list. And much can be spent afterwards to maintain the dialogue in a believable and customer-centric way.
2. Media Usage Changes: It follows then that media spend, combining traditional and online, is more spread out with much more spent on engaging the user with an experience. As Jim says about media spend, "we have to allocate resources differently because difference resources (social and digital) change the content and the dialogue after launch. It's much more manageable (than a big bang all at once), and it impacts how we build the product."
3. Creative Changes: Listen to Jim again: 'We're about the person, not the web site or channel. I'm not interested in advertising on a little box because it's what's in the box is important. We want to blow up the box..and change the way we interact with the customer, and we want it to be around experience."
"That's what digital has taught us: how to earn credibility among consumers". At that's what companies like Ford are doing with branded utility, with communities, and campaigns like Ford Fiesta Movement.
Here are 4 other automotive campaigns from other motor companies leading the way with this philosophy:
Any more to share?
Cheers, Rob