Hi everyone
Every generation thinks they are at the crossroads of history, that the changes going on NOW are the most important ever. I guess our present generation is no different.
But it would be hard to think of another era when so many changes were happening in the marketing landscape all at once.
Every generation thinks they are at the crossroads of history, that the changes going on NOW are the most important ever. I guess our present generation is no different.
But it would be hard to think of another era when so many changes were happening in the marketing landscape all at once.
And of course it's our job to try and keep up with how these changes that are effecting our customers and our brands, both in Thailand and around the world.
But how do we manage this tsunami of new marketing information, and make sense of it for our particular needs?
I am often asked - how do you keep up? And while it isn't easy, it's vital to find a way to understand and utilise all these developments. In providing these information sources though, I'd suggest 3 things to help to tailor this approach to suit your own particular needs:
1. Commit to learning: Accept that part of our jobs must be to learn more from others. The nature of our work these days means we are all time poor, but my theory is we should invest at least 30 minutes a day to updating ourselves on new learning. We need fuel for ideas, and food for inspiration, not just from within our company but also from beyond our own walls.
2. A starting point: Take these sources below as the beginning of finding out where right information is for you. Then tailor them to your particular client or industry or product. Whatever industry you are in there is a wealth of important, practical and up to date information that is ideal for you.
3. Get involved: While we can read all we want about Twitter or Facebook or gaming or iPhone apps - there is no substitute for actual experience. My best advice is just to jump in and start using all these technologies - they are easier than you think and it's only through their use that we truly understand their power and their limitations. And you'll be better informed about the marketing decisions you make.
With that in mind, here's my digital marketing resource list:
Marketing News: You can visit these sites or better yet sign up for the e-newsletters sent to your email. Just don't overdo it and skim read for what's important.
- Digital Advertising Age: http://adage.com/digital/ Sign up for the daily newsletter to keep track of things on a industry wide scale. Good for big issues, if a bit US-centric
- Click Z News: http://www.clickz.com/news Sign up for a range of industry news letters, depending on your interest. This is a bit more technical so good for the geeks amongst your team.
- Media Asia: http://www.brandrepublic.asia/Media/: More for advertising and marketing industry news across Asia, including Thailand. Sign up for e-newsletter
- Positioning (Thailand) http://www.positioningmag.com/: One of the local Thai marketing mags that does a reasonable job of keeping up with digital. Review this weekly for updates.
Marketing Research: Keep track of all the latest in digital marketing research so your insights remain fresh
- Emarketer Daily: http://www.emarketer.com/Welcome.aspx: Sign up to daily news or review the web site for the latest research
- Synnovate: http://www.synovate.com/ I personally find Synnovate's observations and insights on Asia invaluable, in particular their yearly digital review
Marketing Presentations: Rather than just read, sometimes it's more engaging to watch and learn
- Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/: This awesome site lets you search just about any subject for presentations on all industries. Highly useful, try it
- TED: http://www.ted.com/ Riveting talks by interesting people, there is no better place for watching great digital marketing presentations
- You Tube http://www.youtube.com/ : Still the best source for finding archive of past great campaigns and current case studies
Marketing Campaigns/Insights: To be truly inspired we need to keep track of ideas that are happening now
- Contagious: http://www.contagiousmagazine.com/: get the weekly newspaper and the best, by far in my opinion, insight into what is happening in terms of global digital/integrated campaigns
- PSFK: http://www.psfk.com/: More trends than campaigns but very interesting look at what is hot and not, across many different fields
- Award Sites: http://www.webbyawards.com/ : Keep an eye out on award sites to see the latest and greatest examples of work
- Digital Thinking: http://www.wired.com/: An old favourite, for some understanding on why these changes are happening and the latest geek viewpoint
Blog Sites: Find a blogger that's right for your industry and that you like and trust. It may take time but usually very practical and personal insights and you can interact with the author to learn even more. Here's two I like, but do yourself a favour and Google "Best xxx Blogs 2009" or check out lists like this. Also click on my profile and you'll see 6 other blogs I follow.
- Viral Blog http://www.viralblog.com/: Updates on trends and inspiration for digital marketing
- Seth's Blog http://sethgodin.typepad.com/ Straight forward opinions by a straight forward thinker
Twitter Feeds: Twitter is a fantastic new way of getting a ongoing dose of marketing insight, if you take the time to track down people worth following. Here's your task now - sign up for Twitter, then use Twitter Search for 'digital marketing' and see where it takes you. Get involved and give it time, it will be worth the effort.
Any of other digital marketing resources you'd care to share?
Cheers, Rob
Blog Sites: Find a blogger that's right for your industry and that you like and trust. It may take time but usually very practical and personal insights and you can interact with the author to learn even more. Here's two I like, but do yourself a favour and Google "Best xxx Blogs 2009" or check out lists like this. Also click on my profile and you'll see 6 other blogs I follow.
- Viral Blog http://www.viralblog.com/: Updates on trends and inspiration for digital marketing
- Seth's Blog http://sethgodin.typepad.com/ Straight forward opinions by a straight forward thinker
Twitter Feeds: Twitter is a fantastic new way of getting a ongoing dose of marketing insight, if you take the time to track down people worth following. Here's your task now - sign up for Twitter, then use Twitter Search for 'digital marketing' and see where it takes you. Get involved and give it time, it will be worth the effort.
Any of other digital marketing resources you'd care to share?
Cheers, Rob
Feel free to add comments below, or for further questions or advice contact me at rob.h@th.arcww.com
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